إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق

Planet Travel Network

4.0 ( 1440 ratings )
الأعمال التجارية السفر

The PTN booking app is a fast, clean, and secure B2B travel booking app that makes booking a breeze. Whether you are at home, at office, or on a vacation, you can access the app anywhere. The booking process is very simple, all it takes is a few taps.

The PTN booking app also offers great deals to save on hotels and apartments. Searching for hotels or apartments is easy and more intuitive as it allows you to search according to price, deals and reviews. You also get comprehensive information on the itineraries in the hotels. The booking app also accepts payments in all the major currencies, USD, GBP, AED, and many more.

The revolutionary PTN booking app offers industry standard security without compromising on speed, meaning you can access your data anywhere without worrying about security.